Energy-efficient building: the current standards

If you want to build energy-efficiently, you usually mean building a house that uses relatively little energy. So it’s about using as little electricity and heating energy as possible. This is possible with modern architecture, there are numerous concepts and technical solutions. It can also be financially attractive, because the federal government promotes the construction of building energy efficient homes.

Anyone who builds a house these days cannot help but build it in a relatively energy-efficient manner. Certain requirements are anchored in the Building Energy Act which ensure that a new building is more energy-efficient. But if that’s not enough, there is still a lot more you can do. Even energy-plus houses are possible, i.e. those that produce more energy than they use themselves or energy-self-sufficient houses that are not connected to the public electricity or gas networks.

Building energy-efficiently starts with the planning. The routes are an important aspect. The closer the house construction company, the more energy-efficient it can be to build. The route of transport of the building materials should also be taken into account, especially when it comes to timber, some of which is imported from some countries..

When it comes to building materials, however, the builders hands are often tied because the manufacturer works with certain materials as standard. If you insist on this, you may be able to convince your house builder or the roofer to at least get the roof tiles from a local factory.

The best building materials for energy-efficient building

There are building materials that insulate better and thus ensure more energy efficiency. Above all, this includes wood. There are also building materials that use less energy to manufacture and transport and are therefore energy efficient in a different way. These include regionally produced lightweight concrete building materials. Builders will find it difficult to get an exact overview of all available building materials. Ultimately, however, any building material can be used to build energy-efficiently, provided the overall concept is right.

The insulation material is built into the wall, which means that it is better protected or the building material itself not only ensures stability, but also has good insulating properties. However, many houses will be demolished at some point. Then building materials that are as natural as possible or that can be recycled have an advantage.

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